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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars : Empire at War

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Game Name : Star Wars : Empire at War
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2006-06-05 14:01:29
Views : 15617

Empire Pointers
For the Empire do all the missions they ask because the stuff you get will help. If you wait a while you will recieve credits and Imperial Star Destroyers (started at tech level 4 for the Star Destroyers).

Soon planets will start revolting slowly to your side so build a Space Station and Barracks at the same time if you can't keep ships at the planet or get them there because if a single enemy ship that would trigger combat enters the system it will cancel the Space Station, but you will still have the barracks which should be done quickly.

Afterwards keep upgrading the Space Station and build a light factory and build 2 Storm Troopers for every AT-ST or TIE Mauler, but make sure to build the Storm Troopers first.

Galactic Conquest mode as the Empire
Try to keep every planet in your control well defended on space and land with at least one Victory Class Star Destroyer and a level 2 or 3 space station in space. On the ground. have a barracks and a light factory. If you can, also build a shield generator and/or turbolaser towers. However, build these last as the bigger your base is, the more turbolaser towers you get.

Never leave a planet unguarded in space or on land. The Rebels can see every move you make, and can also with a small force, slip past any blockade you may have set up. They will know at all times whether your planet is guarded or not and strike the moment you leave a planet venerable to attack on land or in space.

The Rebels tend to jump to hyperspace if there are transports in the battle. In space when the Rebels attack you and it looks like they have a large force against you and it appears hopeless, do not auto-resolve and do not give up. Most of the time their "massive fleet" is mostly made of transports. Just destroy some ships for about twenty seconds and they will jump to hyperspace; even if their space station is not destroyed and they have a larger force, they will flee.

Send Bopa Fett to the planet you are planning to invade first and alone. Not only can he kill enemy heroes, but he will also reveal the space craft orbiting the planet .Just move the pointer over the ship(s) surrounding the planet and the droid above your mini map will show what and how many ships are in their fleet, unless they have Luke Skywalker. If the do, you will not know what ships they have; just how many and how many different types of ship. If you keep Bopa Fett at the planet you are invading, he will assist you in space and land battles.

To get the Death Star, put a hero that gives you space discounts on the planet you wish to build it on. Then, build a research lab and a level 5 space station with all the upgrades. The Death Star costs 20,000 credits. The Rebels will be alerted of your new construction as it is being built. Both sides will have a timer on their screen showing how long it will be before construction is complete. Not counting space battles, it is about six minutes. Note: The Death Star moves extremely slowly; if you are combining the Death Star and another fleet, move the fleet to the Death Star and not the other way around. When you destroy a planet, it will become an asteroid field. It will not only produce less credits for the faction who controls it, but if you leave the "planet" with no spacecraft or space station, then it will become neutral and is free game for the Rebels to hide.

Custom ship names
Make a backup copy of the files before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the .txt files that correspond to ships in the "\lucasarts\star wars empire at war\gamedata\data" directory. Examples of the files are "acclamator_assault_ship.txt", "alliance_assault_frigate.txt", "broadside_class_cruiser.txt", etc. Open these files with a text editor and add a name. The name will eventually be created in game once the location in the list is reached.

This Planet's Not Big Enough For The Two Of Us
For the Rebellion, find a planet with no ground structures using the map filters and make a fleet using only 3PO and Artoo. Once they land, they capture the planet instantly. If there is a fleet in space, you cannot build space structures, but it does not affect planetary occupation.

Money Money Everywhere So Why Not Pay Off Your Debts Solo?
Conquer or capture all the planets except the mission planet. Then fortify the planets around your mission planet. Once this is done set the game to fast forward and let the game run. Check on it every so often to make sure you have not been attacked. After a while check your cash flow. If you like it resume normal play and beat the scenario. If not, just wait and let your money build.

Galactic Conquest mode as the Rebels
At the start of a new campaign, build lots of Mining Facilities on each planet. They can be sold later if desired. Have the droids steal Imperial technology immediately from the start. It is sufficient to build Factories, Barracks, etc. on only a few of planets to begin with, as forces can easily be moved to the desired location after they have been produced. Instead of having ground forces protecting your planets, concentrate on building a large fleet for each planet. Make sure your Space Station is upgraded to the maximum at all times. This should be sufficient to repel the Imperial fleet and thus prevent a ground assault altogether. You will also need to build a large separate attack fleet in order to conquer planets, as you cannot leave any of your planets unguarded at any time. Also, make sure Antilles' ship is included as his "weaken enemy" special attack is extremely effective. Place all your ground forces into one huge army following your attack fleet around the galaxy, but never put them in the same fleet. A surprise attack could leave your transport ships facing a Star Destroyer. Make sure you have bomber squads in your fleet to allow for bombing raids on planetary battles. Bring the droids as well, as they do not affect the total number of units allowed, and their ability to repair units can be very useful if there are no building pads nearby. As soon as you have conquered a new planet, build a fleet to protect it. Do not remove your main fleet until the the planetary fleet is in place, or you will risk being attacked immediately. As the game progresses, the Imperial fleets will grow bigger; make sure your attack fleet and planetary defense fleets are up to strength, and do not forget to replace losses immediately after a battle.

Easy money
Conquer or capture all the planets except for the mission planet. Then, fortify the planets around your mission planet. Once this is done, set the game to fast forward and allow it to run. Check on it occasionally to make sure you have not been attacked. After awhile, check your cash flow. If you like it, resume normal play and complete the scenario. If not, just wait and let your money build.

Recommended Empire space fleet
You must build, to conquer space, as many Accumulator Assult Ships and Victory Star Destroyers as you can afford. You can also use some Imperial Star Destroyers and possibly a Interdictor Star Destroyer. Now that you have your space forces, focus on your infantry. You may need to wait for more income because of all the space forces, but when you get enough, buy some of the first two things you can (for example, Storm Troopers or Scout Troopers), then a few tanks. Note: This will also work for Galactic Conquest.

Recommended Rebel space fleet
Build at as many places as you can, X-Wings for space and Infantry Platoons or Plex Soldiers for land. Because X-Wings have such a high fire rate, they will have no trouble ripping apart pesky enemies. When the space battle is over, take the ground with your forces. It may also help to have some T2-B Tank squadrons). With the Plex(s) as high defensive and your platoon(s) doing the rest, you should win quickly. Note: This will also work for Galactic Conquest.

Cheat console
To display the cheat console, hold [Shift] + [Tab]. Alternately, press [~] to display the console window. Note: The cheat codes are currently unknown.

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